Are Interior Designers Worth It?

You might think it’s odd that I am writing a blog post about this topic having started my own interior design business. The reality though is that a lot of people wonder if having a designer is worth it. If you answer “yes” to any of the following questions, then you might want to think about talking to one, and don’t worry; reaching out to one doesn’t mean you are committed to them for life! A lot of designers have various phases of plans you can utilize (sort of like a mini buffet) that you can pick and choose what you want!

If you answer “yes” to any of the following questions, then keep reading about how designers work because you may be in need of one:

  • Do you feel overwhelmed by the design process?

  • Are you “stuck” and just can’t seem to move forward with the process?

  • Do you second guess yourself (or maybe third and fourth guess yourself)?

  • Have you wasted money buying things and then getting them home and not loving them?

  • Are you busy buying and returning things and seemingly never moving forward with the process?

  • Have you cried in the middle of a store trying to pick things out (this happens more than you know!)?

  • Is your marriage suffering because of the process (YES, this happens so much!)?

Photo from Getty Images

If you can relate to these questions, then keep reading to see how an interior designer works and can potentially save your marriage!

I will speak to my process because it’s the one I’m most familiar with. I offer five phases, so let me break them down for you:

  • The Consultation-This is offered no matter how far you go with me-from just one room to an entire home redo. This is when I come to your home, do a lot of listening, take notes, and give you a few initial thoughts. If you only want a consultation, then this is great to utilize if you have one room you are in need of help with, and maybe you are stuck in the process. A third party might be just the energy you need to get going again.

  • Phase I-This begins if you sign a contract with me. At this phase, you will receive concept boards for every room you want to design. I bring your vision to life electronically! This is when clients begin to see the big picture and start getting excited.

  • Phase II-This phase is when we nail down our choices, test out paint colors, and meet with a contractor (if necessary).

  • Phase III-At this point, we are ready to start purchasing items and renovating, and I will function as your project manager. I oversee many aspects of the job, coordinate with your contractor, and make sure all is going well.

  • Phase IV-This is the final phase! There is lots of excitement in this phase because we are placing furniture, putting final touches on the bookshelves, and making the spaces feel like home. This phase is extremely satisfying for both client and designer because you see your creation come to life!

Hiring an interior designer is a difficult decision, but when the design process starts to stress you out, wastes your money, and/or deteriorates the quality of your life, then it’s time to reach out to one! Think of us as a function similar to a therapist. We can save your mental well-being, and potentially save your marriage, so what do you think? Is it worth it?


Lindsay xo


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